Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wow...a 2nd update this month?

Yes, it is true...I am actually posting a 2nd update this month...wowee! Maybe this time I won't write a novel!

So, we just returned from Philadephia for the weekend. We went to the American Craft Market Show...which is just a it sounds: an American Craft show where we were shopping for products to carry in our store. It is a show meant mostly for Fine Art Galleries, which we are not, but we found some nice middle-end products that aren't too pricey for the customers we cater to.

It was soooo sooo cold in Philadelphia...and trying to pack as lightly as possible, we didn't pack jackets or hats! Geee...that was a dumb idea! We stayed at a Holiday Inn in the Historic District, and walked about a half a mile to and from the show each day. We didn't get the chance to see much of the historical stuff (due to them closing at 5, and we were in the show until about that time)...but at least we got a chance to see the Liberty Bell! Also, our hotel overlooked the cemetery where Benjamin Franklin was buried. I guess that sounds sort of freaky, but it was a pretty neat looking cemetery :-)

Jared and Maiya (and Alisa) were wiped after a long day of walking the show...
Maiya was excited to be out of the front carrier, and was enjoying a stretch!

The flights to and from Seattle went without much of a hitch. We got our own row in 3 of the 4 flights (we had layovers in Atlanta, and then in Cincinnati). However, the last flight was just miserable. After leaving our hotel at 4am Philly time (1am ours), we had an early start. The last flight was about 5 hours long, and an out-of-control 1 1/2 year old (I'm guessing) kicked the back of my seat the ENTIRE time. Geee...that mother had NO control of her child, whatsoever. And when I mean that kid KICKED my seat...and I mean she KICKED my seat! She slept for maybe 1 hour of the trip, so I got a break from it just for that long. Arghhh.... LOOONNNNGGGG flight.....

When we got back, we went and spent the night at Jared's sister's house in Chimacum, West (across the water) from Seattle. We got to see her 3 wonderful kids, and hubby. They just loved seeing Maiya, but were sad that Ella wasn't with us. Is it wrong of me to say that I wasn't sorry that Ella wasn't with us? ;-) In the morning, we drove up to Sequim, and visited the travel trailer of our dreams! It is 40 feet long, and has 3 pop-outs. It has a separate large bunk room with room with 4 beds, and a separate dinette set, cabinet space, etc.
The master bedroom is the biggest we've seen (see above left), with TONS of cabinets (there are many more cabinets not pictured on the right hand side of the room). The bathroom has a nice large shower, and even a closet for a washer and dryer! Yay!! Best of all, every room has huge double-pane windows, and the kitchen even has sliding double doors! Sunshine, here we come! So...this is our plan for our Fall purchase. We have found quite a few dealers in the area, and have already begun collecting data to begin a pricing war...hehehee :)

Ella had a lot of fun at her Grandma & Grandpa's house. She gave us such an ecstatic greeting when we returned, however! It was so sweet! She was especially excited to see Maiya. She just adores her SOOOO much :-)And here's Ella with her beautiful full-size quilt from Nana (her Christmas gift)! She loves it!
So, now I REALLY need to get to work on the accounting for the business. Taxes are coming up, and I have been carefully avoiding completing this project for the past 4 1/2 months (well, actually, for a full year, if you count the last time I was completely up to date with my records)! So, don't tell Jared what I've been up to...although I'll admit he suspects my avoidance! :)


  1. Ok, so I voted you were completely out of your mind, but actually buying an RV makes perfect sense. Good luck with the negotiating. It looks really nice!

  2. What a fun trip! It's so funny that you didn't mentioned that Ella wasn't with you until the end. Because, before that I was thinking, "How did they have such great flights with two kids?? How was Ella not kicking the seat, too?? MINE DO!" :)

  3. It looks like Ella really loves being a big sister!

