Saturday, February 28, 2009

More images of Mexico...

By popular are some more images of Mexico:
Some dancers advertising their upcoming traditional dance program:
A typical Mexican scene:

Woodwork in Tonala:
The artist, and the weaving Jared's mom bought in Chapala. It cost $100 pesos ($7.50).
The ice cream man on the Chapala Malecon
Coconut, anyone?
Amazing metalwork on a building side in Tonala (15 feet tall?)
The Tonala street market fills both sides of the street for blocks and blocks. This is "drive by" photo...looking at the backside of the market. If you were to walk into this mass of tents, you would have the opportunity to walk down 2 different isles, with vendors on every side. Then, cross the street, and do it all over again! It is a mad house!

The first time we were in Tonala, we were amazed by a some amazing embossed metalwork we have never seen before in ours lives. We walked into a little store like this, and met this fellow and his wife:

The work in progress...
Much to our astonishment...they were working on a piece that looked like this:
Was it a sign?!! We learned that his couple is very popular with all of the missionaries from Guadlajara. They come to them to get their favorite temples embossed in metal!

So...we commissioned them to do several pieces for our store. We simply gave them pictures of artwork that we liked, and they came up with their metal rendition. This was one of our favorites (2 feet by 1 1/2 feet):

Now our biggest hope is that customers in Alaska will love this that we can support this couple for years to come!


  1. I love the pictures you're taking. It helps me get a better picture of what you're experiencing. I hope everyone likes the metal work too!! How cool!

  2. I LOVE the colors on top and I'm even more in LOVE with the metal artwork! The bottom picture is amazing!

  3. Thanks for posting more pictures! They were fun to look at while hanging out in a cold and sterile hospital room with Elisabeth :)

  4. That metal embossing is so cool! (Some might even say it's "boss"... I'm not one of those people though!!)

  5. I think those pics will definitely sell! Talk about unique!

  6. Your photo tour is great! You are such a pro...have you been a tour guide before?! :)

  7. Those are awesome pictures! YOu are really livin the dream!

  8. Wow - that's beautiful art work (the metalwork). I hope it does well in your store too!
