Sunday, February 15, 2009

Riding Sharks at Tobolandia

A few weeks ago, when the weather started warming up into the low 80's, we finally took advantage of our local water park, Tobolandia. It was surprisingly great! Gee, I wish we would have known this before driving 2 hours out of our way to the lame water park back in November. Oh well!! Now we know!!

One of the most amazing things about this waterpark is that they let children ride SHARKS at no extra cost!! You read that right!! SHARKS!!! No dolphins here....

The girls also had a great time in their innertubes
And as usual, the Mexican children flocked to them. They wanted to touch them, talk to them, and play with them. Ella and Maiya eat it up.
The park was quite large, and this "children's" area had a lot of slides. The adult slides were in a different section, and although there were likely 9 BIG slides, they would only open 1 or 2 at a time!! Seriously!! They had a schedule posted with the opening times of each slide. I'm sure it was a money-conservation issue. If you only open one slide at time, that means you need only 1 or 2 staff, and water running on only that slide!! The water park was so full on this particular Holiday, so we had to wait in line for quite some time to go down the 1 available slide. Kind of frustrating.

And at long last, here is that shark photo. Ella ate it up, but Maiya had a breakdown. Can't win them all...
Problem was...the sharks were entirely lifeless.
Entirely. Meaning: Fake.


  1. So, I'm hoping the sharks weren't real? Glad you guys are having so much fun. Your life is like a permanent vacation...kind of!

  2. So, were the sharks ALIVE?!? I just can't grasp this mentally! And I love the picture of your girls at your back door... ADORABLE!

  3. I think you lead the best life--worth all the stress and hassel of being a retailer in Alaska! That pool looks amazing.

  4. Good. I can't imagine children around LIVE sharks. I was a bit concerned for a minute...
    You are making me want warm weather SO bad!

  5. Funny post Alisa- love the meltdown picture! That looks heavenly right now- we're dying for some water time- can't wait until we get some warmer weather!
