Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can it get any better?

Some wonderful friends of ours, Mark and Martha (as mentioned in previous posts) invited us over for dinner last weekend. They are the parents of Pablo, Ella's beau from school. They are so attached to each other that the teachers often complain that they can't separate them! We don't mind :-) More Spanish for her, and more English for him!

Anyhow, we arrived to dinner, assuming it would be just us and them. Imagine our surprise when friend after friend began to show up! It turns out that they invited several families from Ella's school class, and they were all there to wish us safe travels! Several people even gave gifts to Ella...we were shocked!

We had so much fun at the party, and couldn't believe that someone would be so kind to do this for us! Thank you Mark & Martha! We will miss you (and Ella will miss Pablo SOOO much)!

A few days later...our friends from Utah (that are living here for the year) brought us dinner when we couldn't make it to a dinner appointment (Ella got a stomach bug...that was fun), later watched Ella, and even helped us clean in preparation for our checkout, tomorrow! Thank you Dave & Carrie....we wish you could be here EVERY year!

Everyone here has been so kind. We received more dinner and home invitations in 4.5 months than nearly all of our winters combined! How do you beat a place like that?!


  1. Drive safe! Let us know if you change your mind and decide to come our way. :)

  2. We're excited to see you soon!

  3. That's great! I can't believe you're leaving already?! It seems like you just got there! What a fun adventure! Too bad we won't get to see you San Antonio- what a bummer- bad timing! Best wishes for a safe journey back to Alaska!

  4. Sad day to leave Mexico. What great friends you made. An Pablo is so cute! Go Ella! I hope to see you while you are in Utah. We will go wherever you are staying, or you can come here. Just let us know. Catch you later and hope all goes well on your way up!

  5. Alisa, Funny conversation we had on sunday when our home teacher was over. He was talking about his wife's family has someone that works in Skagway selling Polish Pottery...I told them I had a friend there and hope their aren't the competition. Then I said that you lived half the year in Mexico... and his eye brow raised and asked me who it was...YOU! Patty Roylance is related to you and her husband is my HT. I LOVE the Roylances and I told them my connection to your family. Too funny! What a small, small world!

  6. You make it really tempting to move there and try it out ourselves! It was so awesome seeing you yesterday! Have a great trip to Alaska!
