Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blah blah blah...

Sometimes we leave Ella in charge of the store as we sneak a bite in the back room...and we love to sneak peeks at customer's reactions, when they realize there is a 4 year old behind the desk. The best part?--If they talk to her, she refuses to respond! :

We took Ella & Maiya up to the newly rebuilt lookout over the city of Skagway. There are cruise ships in the background just behind Maiya's head. Do you see how much hair she has? It's out of control FLUFFY!!
This is what I look like on a typical drive out to Dyea and back...or up to the Yukon, for that matter. This was an accidental photo...but it captures "me" perfectly (and it drives Jared CRAZY. "Wait! Stop the car! No, drive back! Wait, just a few more!"):
Pretty, huh? This is why the camera is always ready!
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  1. I would be taking pictures like crazy too if I were you! Actually, I already do! I wish I could come see your store. Maybe someday!

  2. Hey Alisa! I couldn't figure out how to post pictures on my fb so hopefully you can find them on my blog. Awesome pictures - we went to Dyea this last weekend too (even though Lexi was sick).

  3. Ah Beautiful Alaska- wish we could come visit again- we loved that place!

  4. that's funny! What a good little assistant you have! I love all the pics and I especially loved the self portrait!

  5. Gorgeous. No wonder you can't put that camera down. (Someday Jared will thank you.)

  6. That's exactly what I do to with the camera, I'm thinking our guys should start a "camera hater club" :)
