Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Start of Summer...

(OOPS...My photos didn't load properly before...but now we're up and running!!)

I have a few slow minutes at the store (rare)...and although I'm sure there is a long list of things I SHOULD be doing...I don't feel like doing them!! (Well, at least not for the next 10 minutes, or so). are some things we've been up to in the past few months...

We painted the store, and luckily, the girls generally stayed busy riding Ella's bike around the new store:
And they tried to help paint and build displays, as well:
Ella got carried away after all of your comments about her great photography. She borrowed our camera for a photo shoot outside, and this is one of the last photos she took of herself...before...SOMETHING HAPPENED. And it wasn't good. Heck, I don't even know WHAT she did...but it's broken. Kaput. No trabajo. So...bye bye camera, even though you're less than a year old...
This is Ella dressing up with Bev, our first and only employee! Bev is in her 60's, and she's such a wonderful personality to have in our store! She is Canadian, married to an American, and has lived in Skagway for the summers for the past 7 years. She was actually Ella's first babysitter ever!! Bev has backpacked all over the world, and always has a new story for us!
Jared's brother and his wife called us one Friday to inform us that they had just purchased a cruise (leaving the very next day from Seattle) and that they would see us the next Wednesday morning! Jared had a blast driving them around the area as me and Bev worked hard at the store!!


  1. I've finally figured out what's missing from my blogging life... it's totally you guys! So do what you gotta do, but I need me some alaska/mexico nuts! I love the new header picture... very cute!

  2. The stores are looking fantastic and look how big Maiya is looking- cute, cute cute!
