Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fire Alarm

In the middle of our busy tourist day, our Fire Alarms went off! I quickly exited to the courtyard, and found the other 6 business owners (with connected buildings/alarm systems) looking at each other, wondering who had the fire. No one did! Within minutes, the Skagway Fire Department showed up, and we quickly determined that a small child had pulled the lever in MY back store! Oops!!! Well, how's that for adding variety to my day?


  1. Wow, talk about excitement! I remember here the sirens, good thing there was no fire after all

  2. Well, at least it wasn't pulled during a stake conference when Elder Bednar was speaking. The stake in Carson City (I think) had that happen to them. Funny, huh! I hope it didn't mess things up too much.

  3. So whose young child was it? Certainly not yours, right?

  4. I had the same thought...was it yours? :-)
