Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sharing Alaska with family...

Jared's parents, and Aunt & Uncle Pat & Mike (wonderful family who live in Germany!) came to visit last month! They drove up from Washington State...the grueling 3 days-each-way drive...and they survived!

We had fun showing them around Whitehorse, Dyea, and Skagway. We were able to enjoy some fun whale watching (see bottom left hand photo). I couldn't get a good photo of the whales spouting, but I got everyone's back end!

We had glorious weather for the majority of their trip, but one day we woke up to find that we were completely socked in with fog! We walked to Yakutania Point and watched the cruise ships leave port in the evening.
I loved the dense fog over the water. We could even hear whales spouting (its uncommon in this area to see whales), but couldn't see them.
Jared's family got the full wildlife tour!
(Ella was very excited that we got to see this eagle POOP in the tree! What fun for a 4 year old!)

A young grizzly playing with the fish in Dyea... (we watched from the safely of our van)
Fireweed at the head of the Chilkoot Trail... (okay, so it's not wildlife)And since we had another set of hands with us, we got FAMILY PHOTOS!


  1. That family pictures are beautiful! And all the pictures are amazing... I'm especially in love with that foggy view of the ocean as the liner left.... wow!

  2. Oh it's so gorgeous! And of course your fam pics are adorable!

  3. Can you email me your full resolution family pictures so I can put them on my picturetrail?
