Thursday, September 17, 2009


Every day, when I pick up the girls from Daycare, I get a sheet of paper outlining Maiya's day for us! They tell us what books they have read, games they have played, how she ate, when she napped, etc. They also have a space for comments, and each day they write "Maiyalicious!" And she IS!! I don't know what is about those baby cheeks...but they are simply kissable!

Here is Maiya posing for the camera. I love her fake smile (with eyes closed)!!

And yet again...
Oh, I caught them un-posed!
I braided her hair one day, then took out the braids the next day. I thought her crimped pigtails were absolutely adorable!Oh yeah...and Ella is cute, too! :)


  1.! I just caught up on your blog. I can't believe you're closing the store. Aren't you going to miss Alaska? When will we ever see you again. When you come through Utah, make sure and visit us and then we'll visit you in MX. OK?

  2. Those girls are absolutely way TOO CUTE!

  3. Yeah, Ella's not bad.... J/K-- your girls make me want a girl!!!!

  4. I love how different all of your hair colors are- so interesting and yes, both of you girls are yummy-licious!

  5. Maiya's eyes in the candid picture are so beautiful... How long will you be stopping through on your way to Mexico? BTW, Chad is excited that you are permanently living there. He says it'll be a great place to visit. :)
