Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hawaii - Day #2

Well, this photo is actually from the flight into Honolulu...

International Market at Waikiki with a cool tree...
Waikiki Beach that we didn't enjoy...
It's 9pm, and we just checked into a hotel for the night. Earlier today, we visited 8 Shopping Centers, and we've completed the Waikiki Shopping street which seemed endless. My feet are thanking me for that.

We have our first watch order in Hawaii submitted (wohoo--success!), and several potential stores, we hope (still need to reach the owner/buyer)...

We can't wait to finish Honolulu. We do NOT like cities! Yuck!

We're hoping to camp for the next few nights. We shall see...

On a different note, it rained on and off today. Cloudy skies made us happy, and the cool rain kept us from passing out on the sidewalks. I think we're probably the only tourists in Hawaii that are excited to see it overcast and rainy!

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