Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Georgia Aquarium, Roswell Ghost Tours, etc...

A few days after Christmas, most of the visiting family members bit the bullet, and paid big bucks to go see the Georgia Aquarium. It cost between $19-$27 for kids/adults to attend...HOLY COW!! We managed to scrounge up some discounts online, which made us feel better about the additional $10 parking fee they slap on you downtown. But what do you do?

The Aquarium was PACKED (waaaay too overcrowded), but it was fun, nonetheless.

Here are the 3 Sisters:
The kids were awe-inspired by the moving walkway in the aquarium tunnel:
Maiya and her cousin, Tyler, had hand-wars. He would see how far over he could put his hand on the glass in front of Maiya, and she would decidedly push his hand back.
Ella with cousins, looking for all of the "Dori's" they could see (think "Finding Nemo"...)
The awesome jelly fish...

On another day, Lara took us to Roswell, and gave us her own version of the "Roswell Ghost Tours" that she has heard many times. The stories are quite interesting, and made me want to learn more. However, I figure it is best for me to stay away from stories such as those...I have enough nightmares as it is...

Here we stand near the old (destroyed) mill where they used to make Confederate "Roswell Gray"...
Ella and her cousin, Hunter, sit in front of the mechanics of the operation...

Another family outing had us load up in golf carts, and take the many winding trails of Peachtree City to lunch at "Cafe Pig," apparently the best BBQ place around. The 5-minute car ride was instead a cold 30-minute cart ride...but it was great! Cafe Pig left a lot to be desired for a vegan in need of a hot meal...but that was to be expected from a place that specializes in BBQ!

On New Year's Eve, we watched the most recent Harry Potter movie, and luckily managed to stop the movie and switch it the NY ball Drop with only 15 seconds left on the New Year countdown! That was close! What happens if you don't count down to the New Year? Does the New Year not come?

We also celebrated Jared & Shayne's birthdays! Their cake was a manly pastel pink/yellow/blue.

1 comment:

  1. I am always is awe of all the fun adventures you and your family go on!
