Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Life...

My sister, Lea, just posted a blog about a wonderfully productive day that she had lately. I have to admit that I was jealous!

Ella was home from preschool all last week (What? Schools have a WINTER break?!), which meant more trouble for us at home. We also got 2 very exciting deliveries from Mexico, which meant we had to get work on photo editing for our wholesale product line and catalog that we're *hoping* to release by the end of this month. The time seems to be sloooowly moving along, and yet, suddenly...each day is GONE!a

It's shameful how much work goes into each and every item. I wish I had the money to pay a professional product photographer...but alas...

at least Photoshop lets me turn this:

Into this:

Now, only 80 items to go...


  1. That is some serious editing! WOW! I'm very impressed! And I'm sorry for making my list seem so amazing... it was a fluke!

  2. Wow! You don't need a professional photographer....that looks amazing!

  3. That does look amazing. I decided a long time ago I could never do what you do. You just make things happen!

    I saw from a comment you made on Morgans blog that you'll be in Utah in May. I'm going to Utah the end of May for a wedding and probably staying a few days. We'll have to have a reunion with us and Morgs!
