Sunday, February 28, 2010

Patriotic Day

Ella has been attending preschool at the Presbyterian Church in Peachtree City, and she absolutely LOVES it. We also love the peace and quiet it affords us in the morning when she is gone (and not fighting with Maiya)!!Here is a photo of Ella's classroom:

The students at her school prepared for "Patriotic Day" by learning a number of Patriotic Songs (Yankee Doodle, Grand Old Flag, etc). They first marched out and around the building, doing a "parade" for the parents who were attending. It just so happens that Ella's class was first, and Ella was the "line leader" for the day. Thus, Ella led the parade!

Ella didn't seem to remember many words (although she seemed to remember quite a few at home), but she enjoyed trying to sing along and doing the simple hand motions the music teacher taught them.

Maiya also enjoyed watching the production. It was so cute that something as simple as this little Patriotic Day production can bring small children so much joy! Ella just took so much pride in performing this quick show...and she beaming all day!

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  1. Yeah! Your girls are such dolls! Congrats on your boy; we are super excited for you, especially since you'll be in Utah this summer so we'll get to see him when he's brand new!

  2. She learned songs that we just PLAY in beginning band... do they really have words?!?! LOL - I love a parade!
