Friday, April 16, 2010

How to Make a Pinata...

I admit, I am a creative person.
However, I've found that I use my creativity to SAVE money, not to spend money. In other'll find me doing projects that allow me to save money...rather than doing projects that make me spend more money (scrapbooking, quilting, etc). Necessity dictates, I guess...

So...when Ella had a birthday last month, I was astonished that Pinatas (yes, I realize it has a squiggle over the "n"...but I just don't know how to do it...enlighten me, if you know!) cost $20!! Are you kidding me? $20 for an item that is just going to be beat up by kids?! I don't think so!

Instead, I bought $3 of tissue paper, went home, and cut up lots of tissue paper...
I used 3 colors, and cut long sheets of tissue paper into 4 inch high sections...and cut slits...lots and lots and lots of slits..
I then glued them layered onto a box I had lying around...
Since the box I had was rectangular shaped, I gave Ella the choice of having a "purse" pinata, or a "treasure box"...

and purse it was!! (And it only cost $3, with tissue paper to spare)!!

It was a BIG hit at the little triple-birthday party that we threw for Ella, Lara AND Greg!!
I filled the pinata with fruit snacks. I know...I know...I'm a party pooper, perhaps...but I'm telling you...the kids didn't FIGHT over the fruit snacks (like they do with candy!), and I feel much better letting them eat fruit snacks...
Ella chose a Costco carrot cake for the birthday shindig...and it was also a hit!


  1. I could take some definite lessons from you on spending less! :) The purse turned out great! I love it, so much better than a store bought pinata! You spoiled them with fruit snacks! We did raisins, banana chips, and crackers in our Easter Eggs! :)

  2. What a fun pinata! (Sorry I don't know the squiggle line trick either.)

  3. I'm all about creativity to save money. That's the point of having creativity, isn't it? As for scrapbooking, I do it online. I'll have to show you my wedding album when you come. I got it printed about a month ago.

    Awesome pinata! I'll have to remember that trick.

  4. you are amazing! I love it! No paper maiche? You're a genius!

  5. That trick for cutting the tissue paper is genius! I always imagined a pinata taking way more effort of pencils topped with tissue paper and glue and HUNDREDS of hours.... seriously, that was genius. Loved the pics!

  6. That was the most amazing triple birthday party I've ever been to! Let's do it again next year. :)
