Friday, April 30, 2010

In my dream world...

In my dream world...

I would sell all of our remaining inventory, and have all of my business debts paid off.
I would have a successful website that brings in several sales a day.
I would have a thriving wholesale and rep business.
I would be an avid blogger, with followers from across the globe.
I wouldn't get annoyed at my children for being children.
I would write a killer book that would take the world by storm.
I would sing again--and finally record an album.
And I would take this beautiful home of mine all the way to Mexico...

I would buy a property to park it permanently.
On that property, we would slowly build a home that we could move in to, in perhaps 5 years or so.
I would walk my children to school every day.
I would spend the majority of my waking hours outside.
I would plant a garden that would provide me with loads of fresh, yummy veggies.
I would cloth diaper, recycle, compost, use solar energy, and be involved in community volunteer events.
I would speak Spanish fluently, and use this knowledge to build business relationships with Mexican vendors--building a wholesale business that would not only keep me afloat, but support many who live much simpler lives than most Americans can imagine.
I would be a better friend, mother, wife, and daughter.

In my dream world...
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  1. So true on so many levels! What are you guys doing with your home?

  2. I think you are amazing Alisa - and I'm amazed at how many items on your list are things you are WORKING at! You are super ambitious! And I hope you do sell your inventory quickly this summer - love you.

  3. Seriously, I'm with Lea! Good work!

  4. Yeah, it would be nice if we could all live in our dream worlds!

  5. Do you know the song that goes "Dre------am, dream, dream dre---am..." :)
    Hey sorry we missed you! I'll have to plan things better next time. But hey, I'm so glad they took on the watches. I'll check them out sometime and let you know how they look from a customer's perspective.

  6. i really like this. i might have to blog my dream world now :)

  7. Alisa,

    Your dream world motivated me to write mine. Now I have something to read when I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you!

