Friday, July 2, 2010


I was hoping to have a baby during their fishing trip on Wednesday. After all, contractions had been going strong all night...and at 5am, I finally decided that it was time for the baby to come! I woke Jared up (after only 3 hours of sleep...because we were working hard on a Flower Jewelry wholesale order the night before), and we started walking and walking and walking. At 6am, I called the midwife, and she arrived by 6:45...15 minutes after my contractions decided to stop. DANG. baby, yet. Here is the full-term belly in waiting...

The last few days have been busy with fulfilling Flower Jewelry orders, and writing up wholesale Wood Watch orders. So...I guess I was too nervous to have a baby in the midst of so many business projects. Now, they are all complete--and I am READY!! Now if only this baby would get the picture...

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  1. Alisa you look so cute. I hope the baby makes it's arrival soon.

  2. Wish I could have been there. Really great pictures - especially Ella and the worm. Hope that baby comes soon!

  3. That cute little belly will soon be in your arms! (maybe he already is?!?!)

  4. The hardest part about being in your family is that I'm the giant woman and could never look that cute pregnant. I try not to be jealous of your cuteness.

  5. It was great seeing you guys and spending time playing in the mountains! I can't wait to see pictures of the baby!
