Friday, July 2, 2010

More summer fun...

While my brother, Ben, was visiting from Nashville...he arranged a family get-together up the Canyon at Bridal Veil Falls. We cooked hot dogs and s'mores over the campfire!

Climbed trees...sort of...

Balanced precariously on other tree limbs...(pictured are all cousins)...

And took a quick walk up to the Falls. On the left is my brother, Brian (the giant of the family at 5'11"), and on the far right is my other brother, Ben (the darkie). Spouses Jenny & Devri inbetween! Can you believe I'm related to both of these guys?! Do you see ANY similiarities?!!
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1 comment:

  1. I think you guys look a lot more alike than you think, especially you and Brian. You have the same eyes--dark lashes, dark brows--which I'm a little jealous of. And, when you see your parents, it all makes sense.
