Monday, August 2, 2010

July 24th Celebrations

For those who don't know...Utah celebrates "Pioneer Day" on July 24th, to commemorate the arrival of the Pioneers in Utah. Mapleton has a big parade and plenty of festivities to celebrate the big day!

Ella and Maiya were both in the parade. Ella decorated her bike:

Maiya sat on the float (in blue above "Days")

Maiya feeling proud of her big accomplishment!

The park had lots of activities the girls could enjoy. Everything cost about 50 cents a pop...but Papa donated to the girls' fun they donned their swimsuits, and went on inflatables that included water! Here they are, patiently waiting in line!
Ella is a good big-sister, and is almost always willing to help take care of her little sister!

Later that evening the city did a first-ever "Ping Pong Ball Drop" from a helicopter. The fliers stated that they would drop "up to 800" ping pong balls from a helicopter, and 12 lucky kids (ages 14 and under) would win a free bike! What fun!

We arrived at the field to a HUGE turnout. They asked parents to separate from their children, which did not go over well (seriously--you want me to leave my children alone in a field of 2,000 kids, and other adults?).
They also requested that each child only catch 1 ball each, so that everyone could get a ball. Then came the exciting moment when the helicopter flew over!
A passenger in the helicopter dumped out 1 trash bag of ping pong balls into the center of the crowd (perhaps 200-300 balls?).. A lucky few got a ping pong ball...while the rest anxiously awaited the helicopter's return to drop more balls. And then we waited...and waited...and waited.
Alas, no return. One lousy bag of ping pong balls, and about 2,000 disappointed kids and parents.
I guess they underestimated the turnout? If they figure it out, however, it could be a VERY cool event next year!
We ended the night with the FANTASTIC Mapleton fireworks show that we were able to watch from the front porch at home. It was "finale...finale...and then a grand finale!" A great fireworks show!

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