Saturday, September 4, 2010

Before I forget...

Jared and I attended the SLC Gift Show (a show for retailers to attend to find new products) last month, just to see what it was like. In short--it was pathetic. We swept through it in less than 5 minutes. We did find one very cool product that we have agreed to begin representing this Fall...I'll share that with you soon!

However...unrelated to that...I walked past a business' booth where they were trying to sell body products (i.e. lotions, etc). The gentleman asked me to take a sample, which I declined (I hate to lead people on when I am not interested), and he continued to call after me as I walked by. He acknowledged baby Ethan, strapped to my front in my Moby wrap, and said "this cream will help with stretch marks!" He quickly realized that was perhaps not something he should have shouted out...and he put his foot in his mouth (figuratively).

Alas...perhaps not the best sales' pitch to a perfect stranger who was not asking for tips on stretch marks...


  1. LOL!

    I doubt he'll ever say that again :)

  2. I went to the salt lake show the first year it started... it was soooooooooo tiny!! and yes pathetic, but i went as an excuse to go see Rosie hahahah!

  3. nuh-uh!!! thanks lame man for making me destest your sales tactics.
