Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 25 & 26 - My Day & Week in Great Detail

Let me sum up my daily life without wasting much of your precious time...

Up at 7:40
Send Ella off to the bus
Feed Baby
Get on computer--catch up on emails
Baby down for nap
Answer emails and go to work on the computer
Feed Baby
Feed Ella & Maiya
Baby down for a nap
Again--back on the computer--working. Finding new accounts, emailing existing accounts, working on the website, packing jewelry orders, etc.
Baby down for a nap
Feed Baby
Start thinking about dinner (If I'm lucky, I'll make it now so I don't have to worry about it later)
Back to work
Baby down for a nap
Feed Baby
Eat Dinner
Chase Ella & Maiya around the neighborhood. Try to make them eat dinner.
Bathe the girls
Brush their teeth
Wrestle them to bed
Baby down for a nap
Feed Baby
Go on an hour walk with Jared, if I'm lucky
Come home

Anyhow--life is a daily struggle of balancing kids at home with work at home. Some days they fit well together, and other days it is a struggle!

1 comment:

  1. Busy! I'm glad you commented on my blog, I forgot you had one too! I love your background by the way!
