Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ella's Firsts...

Getting caught up, here...Ella had her first day of Kindergarten back in August...

She also played soccer for the first time...

This photo makes her look very serious and athletic, but I will admit that she was definitely the least fierce on the team.Quite unlike her Mommy...(but perhaps that is a good thing?!)

Also, Ella's first bike was stolen. Dang it. That makes me mad!
Oh well...I told her not to leave the bike out! I hope the lesson has been ingrained...

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  1. She does look fierce! I love that picture :)

  2. That's funny, Preston played soccer for the first time this year too, and he started Kindergarten. They can be "twiners". :)

    YES, I would love have a play date while you're here! Which city are you in? We're in Lehi now. We'd love to have you over to our place too! email me and we can work out the details

  3. I really want to see the pictures, but most of them aren't working!!!! What's up with that?

  4. Not sure if it's because I went directly to it, but it's working! SOOOOO stinkin' cute. I miss those girls so much! (and you of course!) Maiya is looking so grown up, and so cute with those squishy cheeks, and that's hilarious about the season passes to 7 Peaks. Totally classic! And loved the golfing pictures. Maiya looks like a great golfer, and Ella looks like an amazing soccer player, and I know that pictures never lie! :)

  5. I still check in once in a while. That is great that you may be in mexico again in Jan!

  6. What a bummer about the bike- in Utah????? :) She looks adorable as always in all of the pictures!
