Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumpkins & Candy with Photos

On Halloween weekend, Ella asked me in ALL SERIOUSNESS:
"Is it a law to have a lot of candy when it's Halloween? It's not? I thought it was!": )
We had the opportunity to carve pumpkins this year.Maiya drew this pumpkin face all by herself, and Papa helped cut it out.

I LOOOVE this happy pumpkin face!

Ella did 2 pumpkins (the back side of my Dad's, as well as one of her own):

I think they were both still grossed out by the pumpking innards...

And I love the precious photos of them interacting while I was trying to take a nice photo of them:
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1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures!! Especially the little collage at the bottom. Can you help me set up a picasso account - or at least stand next to me and say - DO IT NOW. I'm sure I'd like it.
