Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We're BACK!

Well, it's ABOUT TIME!! Nearly 2 years since our departure from Mexico in 2009, we are finally back "home"! We drove for 2 long days to the border of Texas/Mexico, where we spent the night in Del Rio. The last leg of the trip (in Mexico) took 1 1/2 days, and we couldn't have been happier to be done driving! Here is a map of our route through Saltillo and San Luis Potosi.
For those of you would like a better frame of reference...The "A" flag is where we now reside! We can now officially call ourselves Expats, and we happily join the American/Canadian retirees in the Lake Chapala area. Of course--we Gringos are still a minority, and the Mexican population and culture is alive and well in this area! Time to learn Spanish (and FAST)!!
The moment we crossed the border from Del Rio (your typical American city) to the Mexican border town of Ciudad Acuna, the streets and construction immediately changed to typical Mexican style. It is amazing how 1 mile difference is a HUGE difference when you are talking about this international border. Different language, different customs, and different culture! We were bubbling with excitement!

We booked it South of the border without stopping for several hours. Finally, we pulled over to get gas, and a Mexican girl offered us her warm "taquitos" at our window while the attendant pumped our gas (have I mentioned they pump the gas for you, here?). Assuming they'd be like American taquitos, we purchased 5 for $20 pesos. They turned out to be mini soft tacos, instead. 2 had a mix of beef and potatoes, and the other 3 were a VERY spicy mix of beans and jalepeno. It hit the spot, and the girls were soon begging for more, so we took a break on the side of the road to refuel and get the baby out of the car seat.

We spent the night in San Luis Potosi at a hotel we stayed at back in 2009 when we left Mexico. All went well, and we pulled into our rental home in Ajijic (on Lake Chapala) the next day!
But not without seeing some great views and "trees" along the way!

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