Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Ajijic Pier

When we were in Ajijic the winter of 2008/2009, we visited the Ajijic pier...and discovered that there wasn't much worth talking about.

The remains of whatever used to be there were under water (the lake has been at a record high level in recent years), and we noticed park benches peaking out from the flooded areas.

Sandbags lined the waterside.

When were returned this year, we were so pleased to discover that they had turned this pathetic water-drowned park into a BEAUTIFUL pier for walking!
Smooth stroller paths are always to be appreciated (especially when compared to the cobblestone streets which aren't worth the stroller effort)!
I thought it was a hoot to see the young men playing soccer on the basketball court...
But then it occurred to me that the court is built to double as both a soccer field and basketball court. Enlarge the photo and you will see how the goal/post is built to function as both!
The trouble with being right next to the lake, however, is that the players seem to spend a good deal of time trying to fish their stray balls out of the water. They have a long pole with a net attached...but when the ball is still out of their reach they resort to throwing rocks just past the ball to make waves, and bring it back to shore. It works!

This place makes me at peace...
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  1. Your posts make me at peace! You guys are the bestest- way to follow your dreams! :)

  2. I miss the ocean. How beautiful!

  3. Woeee! That was a lot of posts to get caught up on. I love them! Keep 'em coming. I can't believe you live in such a perfect place. Hopefully we can come visit soon.

  4. Love those last two photos- way to capture the beauty!!
