Monday, February 7, 2011

The house...

Our rental house here is dreamy! It has so many features that we absolutely love. I will have to take photos of more details in the future...but here is the general style of it.

The living room/dining room has a big boveda ceiling (brickwork that is in a big dome it is a high roof!).

These large glass doors on 2 of the walls, making it bright and airy!

These doors on the right are pocket doors, and open ALL the way into the walls, leaving the glass entirely hidden behind the walls. We can have the screen closed our open, too.

The bedroom door can be seen across the patio, and it also has nice big windows and doors that open. The 2 bedrooms (the kids share one) are big and roomy.

Most importantly, each room has skylights that keep everything bright and cheery. There is absolutely no need for turning on lights anywhere during the day, as there are skylights in the bathroom, closet, hallways, etc!
AND...every day is absolutely, stunningly, BEAUTIFUL.
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  1. Beautiful! Did it come furnished too? That patio looks wonderful for plopping down in a comfy chair with a good book. :)

  2. Beautiful! "Cheery" is exactly how I'd describe it. I am beginning to see why you guys love it so much down there.

  3. I'd like to leave comments on each post - but I'm out of time today - the house looks much better with daylight! (I got the tour at night, remember?) It does look beautiful. I love the sprinkler and I can't believe how much Ethan has already changed... growing so fast!

  4. Ooh! Looks like lots of open space! What a beautiful place. Maybe we will have to get passports...

    Love you!
