Monday, February 28, 2011

MEGA of Mexico...

How did I miss this the last time we lived in Mexico? It is scattered all across Guadalajara!

We finally had a bit of spare time in Guadlajara without child #1 and #2 (yay for school!), so we "rushed" in to see what Mega was all about. It seemed to me to be the most "American" style grocery store I have seen here--it's Mega big!

Step #1: Park underneath. Get your cart, and put it on the flat escalator to go up to the store on the 2nd floor:

Step #2: Browse the largest oil section I have ever seen in my life. Mexicans looove their oil...!

Step #3: Choose your favorite hot sauce. You are not short of choices...that is, unless you are looking for American-style salsa. Tough luck!

Step #4: Purchase a few odds and ends you have not found elsewhere in Mexico, as well as a nice fan (which we have been SO appreciate of, with temps rising up to 90 degrees lately--ahhh!). Pay, and then go DOWN the escalator with the shopping cart. Jared's not holding on this cart with the groceries, and Ethan. No, our child was not in mortal danger. This escalator is constructed with grooves that lock your cart into place, so it doesn't move during transit. Genius!
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  1. There was a "Mega Mart" in Okinawa. I remember the shopping cart escalators. It was the closest thing to American "big box" shopping on the island. One time I heard it was operated by Wal-Mart. Like yours, it had everything.

  2. I was wondering in that last picture - can the baby seat fall down? Or does it just look drastically steep?!? SCARY! (the whole cart on a flat escalator idea) And I've never seen that much oil in my life.

  3. That is EXACTLY like the oil row in China, but China's had 2 more rows just like that.

  4. Oh my gosh, this looks just like the Carrefour in China -- the flat escalator and taking your cart up to the 2nd floor! Plus the entire aisle of cooking oils!
