Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Parade

Ella and Maiya's school had a Spring parade for the parents in March. Like all school events, the parents went all out for decorating the kids bikes and dressing them in costumes:
In comparison, we always look like half-put-together...
The girls rode their scooters and wore some princess dresses.
Here is Ella with her best bud, Alex, who is the only other American in her class. Alex has lived here for 2 1/2 years and is also fluent in Spanish!


  1. I can't wait to take a trip south of the border one of these days so that my girls Spanish can be put to good use :)

    Looks like a festive parade!

  2. Cute! Looks like a fun parade! I'm glad Ella has found a best bud!

  3. That looks like so much fun! I wish we could have a bike parade. :)

    So I would love to come visit you in Mexico someday. It all looks like a great place to experience!
