Thursday, January 22, 2009

My little brother is MARRIED!

My little brother got married 2 weeks ago at the Idaho Falls Temple. He married a beautiful, sweet girl named Devri (from Idaho Falls). I flew up with just Maiya, and left Jared to tend to Ella in Mexico. Maiya was somewhat of a terror on the flight up (it was a VERY late night), but was an angel on the way back (VERY early, and she slept almost all day on the 2 planes)! I enjoyed the view of Mexico from the plane (bottom right). I guess I always assumed most of Mexico was a desert wasteland...but its scenery varies dramatically.

Devri is very talented, and made Maiya an adorable dress for the wedding. Gee...the girl was getting married, and here she was...making a dress for a baby just a few days before the big day! We like her a lot, and are happy to have her addition to the family! It is always a relief when a family member chooses a spouse that we can relate to! According to the luncheon "toasts"...we have caught wind that she will fit into the family perfectly. She sounds like a strong, opinionated woman...just like a few other Saville girls that I can think of! I am so happy for Brian...and still find it hard to believe he is old enough to get married, let alone date a girl...

While in Utah and Idaho, we got some good family time in (although much too short)! We swam at my parents' and siblings' hotel, ate a bunch of yummy meals, and I stayed the night at my brother-in-law's grandmother's house. She is an angel, and quite the host! You wouldn't believe the breakfast she cooked up for us, and you also couldn't imagine her perfectly preserved home from the 60's. Wow...I should have taken and lime green shag carpets...and all the accessories! I would have eaten this house up in my high school years...I'm sure I would have dug some great clothes out of the closets...

Thanks to my family for being my transportation, and helping me attempt to be a single mom for the weekend. How do single parents do it? I don't even want to find out...


  1. Boy...that must have been quite a shock for you leaving the warmth of Mexico to go to the snowy plains of Idaho!

  2. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention the FREEZING cold photo shoot outside of the temple, etc! But I was a bit surprised that I wasn't colder...perhaps I still have some Alaska blood in me, after all.

  3. What? It wasn't cold! I sure didn't feel it :)

  4. I was just about to ask you who was doing the funny fishface with Maiya when I decided, "Is that my husband?" It is, isn't it? You'd think I'd be able to recognize him, but he never does a fishface for me!!!!

  5. You should have looked in those closets... there's probably TREASURES UNTOLD... for the treasure hunter...
    Thanks for coming - I'm glad you were with us!

  6. I'm glad you were able to make it for your brother's wedding. Never a dull moment for you!
