Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh, no you didn't...

There are funny quirks about this place...and sometimes I see things that make me laugh so hard...

For example, we purchased a bunch of metal handmade planes, trains, and automobiles for our store.
The shop owner gave us a brochure of the different items that they make, including their mini scenes for professionals (i.e. Doctors, Teachers, Musicians, etc). The first one may seem normal, but the other two caught my eye...

Hmm...know anyone in these professions that I should purchase these for?
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  1. OH MY GOSH!!!! That is SOOO funny that I just made your post my new post. Hope you don't mind me sending everybody to your blog. I can't believe they did that!

  2. LOL! Um, how much would it be to order the "Table Dance" one? I'm considering putting a pole in the basement. hahaha

  3. you can get that table dancer one for me!!
